Investigation of Teacher Roles in Educational Practices in The Covid-19 Pandemic: A Phenomenological Study

  • Dinçer Temelli MEB
  • Osman Yılmaz Kartal
  • Çavuş Şahin
  • Akan Deniz Yazgan
Keywords: Covid-19 Pandemic, Distance Education, Teacher Role, Barriers to the Role, Teacher Model


In the research, it is aimed to analyze the roles of teachers teaching in distance education in the Covid-19 pandemic period and to investigate the obstacles encountered in the realization of these roles. The aim of the research is examined with the post-positivist paradigm and analyzed with the phenomenological design which is one of the qualitative research methods. In the research, participants were chosen from the teachers of Mathematics, Foreign Language, Science, Turkish and Social Studies who teach at least 15 hours or more per week in distance education. The data collection process in which data triangulation was performed included diaries kept by teachers for five days, individual interviews and focus group interviews. Transcripted data were analyzed by content analysis technique. According to the findings of the research, it was observed that the roles of the teachers who participated in the study were “communicator”, “collaborator”, “facilitator” and “learner” teacher during the distance education in Covid-19 pandemic. It has been observed that there are obstacles in the realization of roles in issues such as injustice / inequality in education, subject-centered program, structure of the education program, professional development, student and parent unwillingness. Teachers stated the features that teachers should have in the process of distance education as technopedagogical content knowledge, planning instructional activities, being able to measure distance assessment and provide student motivation.


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How to Cite
Temelli, D., Kartal, O., Şahin, Çavuş, & Yazgan, A. (2021). Investigation of Teacher Roles in Educational Practices in The Covid-19 Pandemic: A Phenomenological Study. International Journal of Curriculum and Instructional Studies (IJOCIS), 11(2), 309-332.