The Opinions of Teacher Candidates about Critical and Analytical Thinking Course

  • Bülent Alan Anadolu Üniversitesi
Keywords: critical thinking, analytical thinking, teacher education, Thinking skills, Teaching thinking skills


Higher-order thinking skills are of great importance for the welfare and development of a particular society since it depends on the quality of the decisions taken by individuals. Apart from families, teachers play a crucial role in equipping pupils with these skills such as critical, analytical, reflective or creative, but to do this, they should initially possess them, which requires a special training tailored for teaching these skills. This study focused on the effectiveness of “Critical and Analytical Thinking” course (CATC) taught at a bachelor of education program based on teacher candidates’ opinions regarding course design, materials, delivery and strengths and weaknesses of the course. CATC was delivered online due to Covid 19 pandemic conditions; however, provided invaluable insights for future implementations regarding its delivery, activity types and evaluation system. The study was conducted as an analytical study by incorporating both quantitative and qualitative methods. The data were collected through Critical and Analytical Thinking Survey and written interview forms developed by the researcher. The participants were 78 teacher candidates who took the course and volunteered to participate in the study. The results revealed that CATC was highly influential on their individual and professional development and not only the theoretical but the practical elements of the course were beneficial for the teacher candidates. Based on the research results, this study concluded with a lesson proposal to be implemented both face-to-face and/or online with similar teacher candidates at education faculties.


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How to Cite
Alan, B. (2022). The Opinions of Teacher Candidates about Critical and Analytical Thinking Course. International Journal of Curriculum and Instructional Studies (IJOCIS), 12(2), 367-398.