Curriculum Content Proposal for Integration of Technology in Education

Keywords: Integration of technology, Using technology in education, Instructional technologies, TPACK


This study focuses on the content of technology-related courses offered by teacher training institutions to determine the factors that will avoid technology integration in teacher education/training. Two methods are combined in the research. As a first step, the integration of technology in education/teaching models literature was analyzed, synthesized, and categories were created based on the critics. Next, technology-related courses in teacher training curricula were defined, the content of those courses was analyzed, and some content and suggestions were proposed for better technology-integrated courses. Even though literature indicates the most critical barriers to technology integration in education are hardware problems and the lack of technical infrastructure, one of the underlying factors is the teachers' inadequacy in ICT, the usage of technology in education, and technology integration literacy. These inadequacies are the result of the training curriculum deficiencies. There are three suggestions based on the findings and for further studies. The first one is to add courses and contents to the teacher-training curriculum as discussed in interpretation and discussion. Secondly, instructional technology courses should have specific content related to the content area. The syllabus should be developed with the cooperation of the content area teacher trainer for each subject area. Finally, as a part of curriculum development, these proposed courses and their content should be reevaluated for further studies.


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How to Cite
Dinçer, S., & Çengel-Schoville, M. (2022). Curriculum Content Proposal for Integration of Technology in Education. International Journal of Curriculum and Instructional Studies (IJOCIS), 12(2), 399-412.