Examination of the Perceptions of Families with Special Needs Children towards Teachers, School Communication, and Cooperation

Keywords: Special Needs Children, Family, Communication, Teacher, Cooperation


The present study investigates the perceptions of families with special needs children regarding the teachers, school communication and cooperation in terms of teachers’ sex, age, education, professional formation, and experience. A descriptive survey method was utilized to examine the perceptions and thoughts of families with special needs children towards family-teacher communication and cooperation. This study was carried out with 276 parents whose kids were benefitting from special education services at a special education and rehabilitation center located in Sarıyer district of Istanbul province. Demographic information form and family-teacher communication and cooperation scale were employed to gather data. Findings revealed that the teacher-school communication and expectations of families with special needs children were quite high. Their perception of cooperating with the teacher was also high, while their participation in "communication and cooperation" was found to be at a medium level. In the study, significant differences were obtained in terms of communication, expectations, and collaborations with teachers’ age, gender, occupation, and parents’ marital status. Moreover, as the parents’ education level increased, their perceptions and opinions regarding school-teacher communication and cooperation demonstrated more positive distribution. It was revealed that parents whose monthly household income was 5000 TL and below had higher and positive views towards family-teacher communication. Lastly, significant and positive relationships were found among parents' family-teacher communication, cooperation, expectations, and participation.


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How to Cite
Çuhacı, E., & Nuri, C. (2022). Examination of the Perceptions of Families with Special Needs Children towards Teachers, School Communication, and Cooperation. International Journal of Curriculum and Instructional Studies (IJOCIS), 12(2), 473-496. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.31704/ijocis.2022.019