Attitudes Toward Turkish Culture and Social Cohesion of Turkish Learners as a Second Language

Keywords: Teaching Turkish as a second language, Social cohesion, Attitudes toward Turkish culture, International students, Language instructional process


This relational survey study aims to determine the relationship between the attitudes of students learning Turkish as a second language towards Turkish culture and their social cohesion. The participants were determined by criterion sampling. 189 international learners studying Turkish at various Turkish universities participated in the study. The data were gathered through the Attitude Towards Turkish Culture Scale and the Social Cohesion Scale for Immigrants. Parametric tests were used for data analysis. The study's findings revealed that Turkish language learners' attitudes toward Turkish culture were significantly more favorable toward Asians in terms of their regions of origin and toward the Ural-Altaic language family in terms of their mother tongues. However, there was no significant difference in attitude scores depending on their knowledge of other language(s), reasons for visiting Türkiye, and length of stay in Türkiye. In the social cohesion scores of Turkish as a second language learner, a significant difference was found in favor of those from the "Ural-Altaic language family" in some sub-dimensions concerning the language family of the participants. In addition, there was a significant difference only in the belonging dimension of the scale depending on the length of stay in Türkiye - in favor of those who stayed in Türkiye between 2-4 years. However, no significant difference was found in cohesion scores by region, their knowledge of other language(s), and the reasons for visiting Türkiye. Finally, the moderate positive correlation between the participants' attitudes towards Turkish culture and their social cohesion indicates that students with positive attitudes also have a higher level of social cohesion.


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How to Cite
Aydın, G., & Avaroğlu, H. Özlen. (2023). Attitudes Toward Turkish Culture and Social Cohesion of Turkish Learners as a Second Language. International Journal of Curriculum and Instructional Studies (IJOCIS), 13(2), 249-277.