Social-Emotional Development in Primary School Guidance Curriculum: A Q-Methodology Study

Keywords: Social-emotional skills, Q method, Primary School Teachers


This research, which examined the views of teachers regarding socialemotional development outcomes in the Ministry of National Education 2020 Primary School Guidance Curriculum in the learningteaching process, was designed using the Q methodology. In this context, the consensus among primary school teachers regarding the implementation of the outcomes in the primary school guidance curriculum in the learning-teaching process and whose outcomes come to the fore in the implementation of the Primary School Guidance Curriculum were examined. The research data were collected with the Q string prepared considering the social-emotional development area outcomes in the Primary School Guidance Curriculum. Forty-nine primary school teachers participated in the research. Data analysis was conducted using PQ Method 2.35 program. As a result of the research, it was found that there was a consensus among primary school teachers regarding the implementation of the outcomes in the primary school guidance curriculum in the learningteaching process. Although the opinions of the teachers were mostly concentrated in the right and responsibility factor, the opinions are gathered in six factors, and the relationship between the factors was found to be low in general. As a result of this research, it was found that there is a consensus among primary school teachers regarding the implementation of the outcomes in the primary school guidance curriculum in the learning-teaching process.


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How to Cite
Esen Aygün, H., & Zeren, Şerife G. (2023). Social-Emotional Development in Primary School Guidance Curriculum: A Q-Methodology Study. International Journal of Curriculum and Instructional Studies (IJOCIS), 13(2), 379-403.