E-Learning Performance Assessment Model Proposal for E-Learning Academies

Keywords: E-Learning, E-Learning academies, Performance assessment, Data visualization


Corporates provide e-learning systems to their employees to improve their knowledge and competences needed in job descriptions. This study aims to propose a model that measures and analyzes real user data in e-learning system to measure the targeted personal development and learning level of employees of corporates with e-learning academies according to different criteria,  compare the success level, and evaluate the effect of training on job performance. Employees’ training activities, departments, positions, assessment and survey results, and other related data are recorded in the e-learning system and collected from the e-learning system, LMS (Learning Management System), by data mining method. The document also reviews the System Approach, Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels of Training Evaluation Model, Balanced Scorecard, KPI (Key Performance Index), and OKR (Objectives and Key Results). In order to make a performance assessment in the model, data collected from e-learning systems is used, and the academy enters its own target data into the model. The results are associated with the corporate’s KPI and OKR targets in the model. Model output is visualized for management review. The results declare that the model helps the academy have a holistic perspective for training activities associated with corporate target, a realistic review of effects of training on job performance, and possible opportunities and plans for future development of the trainings.


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How to Cite
Yılmaz, Y., & Üstündağ, M. (2023). E-Learning Performance Assessment Model Proposal for E-Learning Academies. International Journal of Curriculum and Instructional Studies (IJOCIS), 13(2), 404-423. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.31704/ijocis.2023.017