Examination of Pre-Service Teachers’ Attitudes towards Teachers' Lounge

  • Cennet Göloğlu Demir Assist. Prof.
  • Filiz Çetin Gazi Üniversity
Keywords: Congregational spaces, Informal professional development, Hidden curriculum


This study aims to determine the attitudes of pre-service teachers towards the teachers' lounge. Differences between the attitudes of pre-service teachers towards the teachers' lounge in terms of gender, program, perception of the teaching profession, and the time spent in the teachers' lounge during the internship were examined. The research has the characteristics of a descriptive research model and a survey research design. 634 pre-service teachers studying at the faculty of education and pedagogical formation program at a state university are the study group of this research. As a data collection tool in the research, the "Attitude Scale Towards the Teachers’ Lounge" was used. The results of the research show that pre-service teachers' beliefs about the useful and versatile teachers’ lounge and their beliefs about the relaxing aspect are at a moderate level, and their attitudes towards the are generally positive. Attitudes of female pre-service teachers towards the teachers’ lounge are more positive than those of male teachers. Attitudes of the pre-service teachers studying in the pedagogical formation program towards the teachers’ lounge are more positive than those of the pre-service teachers studying at the faculty of education. Attitudes of pre-service teachers who like the teaching profession towards the teachers’ lounge are more positive than those of those who do not. The other results are that the attitudes of the teacher candidates who spend time in the teachers' lounge towards the teachers' lounge are more positive than the teacher candidates who do not spend time at all.


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How to Cite
Göloğlu Demir, C., & Çetin, F. (2023). Examination of Pre-Service Teachers’ Attitudes towards Teachers’ Lounge. International Journal of Curriculum and Instructional Studies (IJOCIS), 13(1), 30-46.