Assessment of Digital Competencies of Teacher Educators with the DigCompEdu Framework

Keywords: Digital Competence, Digital Transformation, Teacher Educators, Higher Education


This study aims to examine the digital competence levels of teacher educators, one of the essential stakeholders in the field of education, and their experiences of using digital technology in education processes based on the Digital Competencies for Educators (DigCompEdu) Framework. The study used an explanatory design, one of the mixed-method research designs. One hundred thirteen teacher educators working in a major state university in Turkey participated in the study. According to the findings, teacher educators mostly use Learning Management Systems (LMS) and digital presentations, videos, and digital assessment tools. They have high competence in using digital technologies and see their work environment as sufficient in terms of technical infrastructure. Teacher educators' digital competencies and competencies for the leading competence areas are at the "Integrative - B1" level. Teacher educators at these levels are curious and open to innovations. However, educators should be supported in gaining higher-level competencies, such as using digital technologies, by supporting them with pedagogical approaches and providing guidance to other educators. In the interviews with teacher educators, the necessity of professional development programs in developing digital competencies for teacher educators and pre-service teachers was mentioned. In this context, obtained results and implications were discussed in detail.


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How to Cite
Bayrak Karsli, M., Kucuk, S., Kilic, R., & Albayrak Unal, O. (2023). Assessment of Digital Competencies of Teacher Educators with the DigCompEdu Framework. International Journal of Curriculum and Instructional Studies (IJOCIS), 13(1), 67-94.