A Structural Equation Model of Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Constructivist Curriculum Change

Keywords: Constructivist curriculum change, Beliefs about teaching, Self-efficacy beliefs for teaching, Readiness for change, Structural equation modeling


This study explores the relationships between teachers’ beliefs about teaching, self-efficacy beliefs for teaching and their attitude towards the implementation of curriculum change through the mediating role of their readiness for change. In so doing, the study seeks to suggest an advanced approach to manifest the complex relations among the investigated variables. Designed as correlational research, the study included 422 teachers selected through cluster random sampling from elementary, middle, and high schools. The data were collected through four scales and a demographic information form. Structural equation modeling was performed to investigate the relationships between latent variables. The findings indicated that teachers’ beliefs about teaching, self-efficacy beliefs, and readiness for change are significant predictors of teachers’ attitudes towards the constructivist curriculum change. However, the contribution of each component differed on the two sub-dimensions: getting information about and implementation of constructivist curriculum. In addition, a mediation effect of teachers’ emotional and intentional readiness was found for constructivist teaching beliefs. The findings imply that teachers’ self-efficacy and general beliefs about teaching are critical in acknowledging the curriculum reform and thereby, teachers should be given a voice in curriculum development. This might encourage them to be the agents of change rather than the deliverers of the curriculum, which, in turn, might strengthen their beliefs and attitudes regarding the curriculum change. Given the significant role of teachers’ emotional and intentional readiness for change, the findings further offer insights to policymakers to provide teachers with professional development opportunities for the success and sustainability of curriculum reforms.


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How to Cite
Akin Sabuncu, S., & Calik, B. (2023). A Structural Equation Model of Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Constructivist Curriculum Change. International Journal of Curriculum and Instructional Studies (IJOCIS), 13(1), 123-157. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.31704/ijocis.2023.006