Investigation of the Learning Outcomes of the 2018 Middle School Mathematics Curriculum in Terms of Mathematical Communication Skills

Keywords: Mathematical, Communication skills, Mathmatics curiculum, Learning outcomes


Mathematics includes elements of thinking and communication skills that are essential in a changing world. In this context, thinking and communication skills have a privileged place in the mathematics curriculum (Umay, 2004). This study aims to investigate the learning outcomes of the 2018 middle school mathematics curriculum in terms of mathematical communication skills. The current study employed the document analysis research method. The document analyzed in the study consists of the learning outcomes set in the middle school 5th-8th grade mathematics curriculum, which was updated in the 2018 school year by the Ministry of National Education and is still being implemented. In the study, the researchers developed a “Mathematical Communication Skills Rubric” to examine the learning outcomes set in the middle school 5th-8th grade mathematics curriculum regarding mathematical communication skills. The analysis of the data was carried out with the deductive content analysis approach. In the study, when the learning outcomes in the middle school mathematics curriculum were examined in terms of mathematical communication skills, it was determined that 70% of the total 275 learning outcomes were insufficient. The results show that the learning outcomes of the middle school mathematics curriculum should be rearranged to serve the improvement of mathematical communication skills and that mathematical communication should be structured in more detail regarding the reading, listening, speaking and writing dimensions


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How to Cite
Öztaş, E. T., & Tunca Güçlü, N. (2023). Investigation of the Learning Outcomes of the 2018 Middle School Mathematics Curriculum in Terms of Mathematical Communication Skills. International Journal of Curriculum and Instructional Studies (IJOCIS), 13(1), 224-248.