Transformation of centralized curriculum into classroom practice: An analysis of teachers’ experiences

  • Ebru Kaya
  • Pinar Seda Cetin
  • Ali Yıldırım
Keywords: Centralized curriculum, transformation of curriculum, teachers’ experiences, phenomenological study


The main purpose of this study is to investigate how teachers transform the centralized curriculum into classroom practice. This study is designed within a phenomenological framework. Specifically, the experiences of seven high school chemistry teachers from three different high schools in Turkey during the implementation of nation-wide curriculum into classroom practice were studied through a qualitative in-depth interview. These teachers were selected based on maximum variation sampling method. A semi-structured interview schedule was designed by the researchers to determine how teachers perceive a nation-wide curriculum and implement it class. A qualitative content analysis approach was used to analyze the data obtained. The results show that the themes of “perception of centralized curriculum”, “perception of teacher role attributed by curriculum,” “transformation of centralized curriculum into thought curriculum,” “internal factors on transformation”, “external influences,” and “reflection back on the curriculum” reflect teachers’ experiences of transforming a centralized curriculum into classroom practice.


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How to Cite
Kaya, E., Cetin, P. S., & Yıldırım, A. (2012). Transformation of centralized curriculum into classroom practice: An analysis of teachers’ experiences. International Journal of Curriculum and Instructional Studies (IJOCIS), 2(3), 103-114.