An evaluation of Cappadocia vocational college two-year restoration curriculum
Higher vocational education, a crucial pillar of higher education, aims at providing individuals with the vocational knowledge and skills to enable them to be semi--‐‑qualified productive and adaptable members to the requirements of era by delivering curricula designed in accordance with labor market demands. By its nature, any delivered curricula are subject to evaluation in relation to achieving their goals, their functioning, reaching desired knowledge, skills and attitudes. This study aimed to evaluate the curriculum of Restoration department at Cappadocia Vocational College in Nevşehir, offered to contribute to the protection of natural and historical sites, and to meet employers’ demands in the region. Participants of the study were students (n=28), instructors (n=7), employers (n=4), and graduates (n=6). The study was based on stakeholders’ opinions on curriculum assessed through questionnaires and interview sobjectives evaluation model and goal--‐‑free evaluation model. Data were analyzed by using statistical methods and content analysis method. Results indicated that students felt incompetent at the end of the program. Additionally, although some outcomes were found useful for worklife, unintended outcomes like indiscipline were estimated by stakeholders to pose problems during the worklife. Finally, it was found necessary to revise the program for remedying technical and equipment shortages.
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