A validity and reliability study on the self-regulated learning encouragement scale

  • Nilay Çelik Ercoşkun
  • Kerim Gündoğdu
Keywords: Encouraging self regulated learning, self regulation, scale development, validitiy, reliability


This study aimed to develop a scale to determine self regulated learning encouragement tendencies of teachers. In the scale, there are 41 items which were evaluated by external experts in terms of clarity, face validity and understandability. Then the scale was administered to 399 primary, secondary and high school teachers who were teaching in Erzurum to obtain validity and reliability results. In order to determine the construct validity of the scale, exploratory factor analysis was done. Then, confirmatory factor analysis was done to verify the factorial construction of the scale. In order to obtain reliability, internal consistency and split half reliability techniques were implemented. At the end of the exploratory factor analysis, a three factored construction containing 40 items were obtained. The compliance indexes were found to be ‘good’ at the end of the confirmatory factor analysis. The results of the reliability analysis also showed that the coefficient was found high.


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How to Cite
Çelik Ercoşkun, N., & Gündoğdu, K. (2017). A validity and reliability study on the self-regulated learning encouragement scale. International Journal of Curriculum and Instructional Studies (IJOCIS), 7(13), 131-146.