Editor in Chef


Dear readers of Curriculum and Instruction,

In our June 2023 issue, there are 10 high-quality studies that investigate 'in-service training program evaluation, the atmosphere in which teachers spend their time, curriculum literacy, digital competencies of educators, socio-emotional competencies of pre-service teachers, attitudes towards constructivist curriculum change, dimensions of dialogic teaching and learning approach, mathematics curriculum evaluation, electronic portfolio preparation and mathematical communication skill outcomes’.

We congratulate all authors who contributed to the publication of this issue and wish them continued success in the future. In addition, we would like to thank all expert reviewers for taking the necessary time and effort to review the manuscript carefully and their devoted contributions to the journal.

We continue to work with diligence, seriousness, and consistency without expecting anything in return; thereby, IJOCIS may be indexed in larger, reputable, and global citation databases. In addition, we had new friends who joined the team to check the articles meticulously. We sincerely thank them for their contributions.

As of 2023, IJOCIS adopts an understanding based on APA7 style and is indexed in many databases, especially including ERIC and ULAKBIM TR Index. It has also started to be indexed by ERIHPLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities) as of 2023. We are confidently moving forward to being indexed in the Clarivate database, which is our main goal.

As always, we invite all educators, especially educators working in the field of Curriculum and Instruction, to submit original and high-quality studies that align with the focus of the journal.


With our best regards.

Prof. Dr. Kerim GÜNDOĞDU


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How to Cite
Gündoğdu, K., & Gündoğdu, K. (2023). Editor in Chef. International Journal of Curriculum and Instructional Studies (IJOCIS), 13(1), VI.