Contributions of constructivist learning approach to learners’ metacognitive awareness

  • Bünyamin Yurdakul
  • Özcan Demirel
Keywords: Constructivism, metacognitive awareness, metacognitive experience


The purpose of this study is to prepare and implement a hypothetical constructivist curriculum design in accordance with the assumptions of constructivist learning approach and to evaluate the design based on learners’ metacognitive awareness with regard to the traditional instructional approach. The research model of the study includes pretest-posttest control group design and qualitative data gathering procedures – a mixed research design approach. The study was conducted in the 6th grade Social Studies Course. Qualitative data include learners’ reflective journal - metacognitive thinking reports, field notes through structured observation, and interviews with the participants. Five point Likert type Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI) was constructed by the researchers and used to test learners’ metacognitive awareness. “t” tests were administered to analyze quantitative sub-problems. Qualitative data set was analyzed with the inductive content analyses technique that was specifically developed by the researchers for this study. Results of the study pointed out that in constructivist curriculum design, learners’ metacognitive awareness was improved comparing with the traditional instructional approach.


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How to Cite
Yurdakul, B., & Demirel, Özcan. (2011). Contributions of constructivist learning approach to learners’ metacognitive awareness. International Journal of Curriculum and Instructional Studies (IJOCIS), 1(1), 71-85.

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